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web res iconCreative Interpretive Techniques

These resources demonstrate creative techniques that interpreters can use to relate to and inspire their audience members. Click here to return to the chapter menu.

Video: Kevin Poe—Using props

Ranger Kevin Poe uses props, humor, visual aids, and multiple perspectives to interpret geology and global climate change at Bryce Canyon National Park.

Video: David Stokes—Using humor

Naturalist and educator David Stokes demonstrates his humorous interpretation style through the use of songs, live animals, costumes, puppets, props, and movement.

Video: Susan Strauss—Storytelling

Professional storyteller Susan Strauss shares a variety of stories with audiences.

Video: Ron Brown—Storytelling

Grand Canyon National Park Ranger Ron Brown tells engaging stories about early explorers of the Colorado River.

Video: Demonstration of musket firing at Fort Niagara

Costumed interpreter soldiers at Old Fort Niagara in New York interpret and demonstrate musket firing.

Video: Shelton Johnson—Buffalo Soldier character interpretation

Yosemite National Park Ranger Shelton Johnson portrays his Buffalo Soldier character, Elizy Boman, and describes how he developed it. Produced by PBS.

Video: Leslie Goddard—Creating historically authentic characters

Historical interpreter Leslie Goddard describes tips for researching and developing authentic characters.

Video: Fanciful character interpretation

Student interpreters at Schmeeckle Reserve, Wisconsin, bring fanciful characters to life at the “Web of Life” and “Storm Stories” campfire programs.

Video: Live animal program example

An educator at the Raptor Education Group, Inc. (REGI) in Wisconsin presents a program with live owls.

Video: Minnesota Zoo Zoomobile programs

Discover how the Minnesota Zoomobile program offers outreach to schools and other organizations using live animals.

Video: Tom Pease—Music, sound, and movement

Children’s performer and educator Tom Pease performs several of his fun, humorous, and engaging songs.